created with intention
It feels amazing to realize what God intended for me. To know that I’m loved, appreciated, valued, desired and created for the purpose of the path that I’m on. Because I was created by God I already have his purpose in me. The second guessing and questioning are limitations I’ve place on myself.
I can pursue my dreams knowing I’m aligned with God.
I can thank him for being the strength and purpose and reality in my life rather than always asking for him to show up. HE’S ALREADY HERE!!
Journal time is a valued resource in my heart.
If knowing the truth intended for you sounds like the thing you need right now, I want to leave an idea and some truth here as a place to start.
Can you look for the good in your life and sit in it today?
Accept that it’s ok to have goodness?
Know that you are on the right path just because you are asking from your heart?
Try something like this. Look in your heart, your memories, your plans, family, dreams, education, chores, duties ….life… and write down (yes I’m suggesting you journal this lol) the goodness. All the goodness. At first you’ll maybe just see the “pretty and shiny, soft and cuddly” goodness but I’m hoping you’ll take enough time to also start seeing the goodness that came from the disappointment, hard places, sadness and struggles. Look at the dark places and see who was a there with you, for you? What did you learn from it. How are you stronger for it. What do you long for because of it? Where are you now in your dreams because of your experiences? Now choose gratitude. Thank God for showing up! See how grateful you are for the small things. And the big things. And the things you don’t quite understand yet.
The thankful part of this journaling might look like this….
Thank you God for the sunshine and that I get to be home to enjoy it. That my day isn’t boring. Thank you for pets to take care of, a roof over our heads, the wood stove and rows of firewood. Thank you my kids still love me despite the regrets I have in how I showed up for them. Thank you for my husband who is so patient with me and supports me despite my self doubt. Thank you for second chances (even 3rd and 45th ones!!). Thank you for being my Creator, my God my friend, and my Saviour. Thank you for knowing more about me than I’ll ever want to know, guiding me around the spaces I couldn’t handle and leading me through the ones I needed to learn from. Thank you for your wisdom and counsel AND for tomorrow to implement what I learn. Yesterday was tough realizing some of your truths but I know that today and tomorrow you will fill me so full of goodness!! — because my heart is opened to you even wider now that the walls I’d been blinded to are torn down. I recognize that you helped me with that! This is a new day and I’m stepping into it realizing a little better how big and high and wide and deep your love is for me. I love that I’m aligned with you simply because you created me that way. I choose you today and everyday.
Friends, God isn’t far away. He’s right beside you even if you haven’t talked to him for years. Even if you’ve never talked to him. He doesn’t expect a fancy memorized prayer or recitation. He just wants to hear from you. I think that’s pretty awesome.
Another one of the wonders from God that I can look to to overwhelm and replace the impact of my limiting beliefs.